


About me


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Movies - TMDB

Movies - TMDB

Personal Project

The website provides users with a search bar that they can use to find movies by their titles, as well as a navigation menu that allows them to browse through different movie categories. The application also provides users with access to movie details, ratings, and reviews, allowing them to make informed decisions about the movies they want to watch.

Trello Clon

Trello Clon

Personal Project
AngularTailwind CSS

The Trello Clon project is built on Angular, a popular JavaScript framework used to build web and mobile applications. The project also utilizes Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-defined classes for building user interfaces.

Payment System

Payment System

Profesional Project

Payment system. Implemented a payment workflow that enables external payments without requiring a registered user, broadening accessibility for non-registered customers. Designed and implemented a configurable discount coupon system, allowing conditions based on amount and percentage for flexible and dynamic application.



Profesional Project
Vue 3LaravelInertia

NARTT (Nicarao Agency Resting Time Tool) is a vacation application that allows users to view, request and have full control over their days off. This tool helps keep teams organized by showing who is on vacation in real time and allows planning for future periods. I began by working closely with the team to identify the key goals and objectives for the project. I used this information to create a set of stories that would guide the team's work during the sprints.



Profesional Project

I have implemented a drag and drop builder that enables the company to create waivers quickly and effortlessly. With the custom tools provided, the team can tailor the waivers to meet their specific requirements, resulting in professional-looking waivers that perfectly align with the company's branding.

Crypto exchange

Crypto exchange

Personal Project
Vue 2

This is a live website that was created for a cryptocurrency exchange project. The website is designed to allow users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. The project was built using Vue 2, which is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.

Ernerdo Page

Ernerdo Page

Profesional Project

Designed and developed this portfolio website using Next.js and Chakra UI, demonstrating my skills in web development. This project allowed me to gain proficiency in these technologies and showcase my projects effectively.

Github finder

Github finder

Personal Project

The website offers users a simple search bar where they can input a Github username. Once a username is entered, the website displays the user's profile picture, name, bio, number of followers, and number of public repositories. The website also displays a list of the user's repositories with details such as the name and number of stars.

Project Manager

Project Manager

Profesional Project

To kick off the project, I collaborated closely with the team to identify the main goals and objectives. Based on this information, I developed a set of stories that would serve as a roadmap for the project's sprints. For each story, I provided clear deliverables and acceptance criteria to ensure that the team had a thorough understanding of their responsibilities.



Personal Project
Vue 3TypeScript

The app is designed to provide users with a comprehensive and easy-to-use interface for searching and viewing information about different Pokemon. The app was created using TypeScript and Vue 3, which are two popular programming tools for building web applications.

Google Clone

Google Clone

Personal Project

The Google Clone is a website that mimics the search engine of Google. This website was created using CSS and HTML and is fully responsive.Google clone website



Personal Project

The website's layout is built using HTML and CSS. The design is optimized for a seamless user experience and features a modern, clean, and professional look. The website's color scheme, typography, and graphics are carefully selected to appeal to the target audience.



Personal Project

The website is designed to be fully responsive, meaning that it displays correctly on a wide range of devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones. This makes it easy for users to read the blog on the go.



Profesional Project

I have developed a shopping cart with data persistence using the Redux toolkit. This cart allows users to add, remove, and modify the quantities of products in their cart. Additionally, the cart performs calculations for subtotals, discounts, and total costs. To comply with our discount policy, the cart also includes actions for adding and removing coupon discounts.

Commercial Lending

Commercial Lending

Profesional Project
LaravelVue 2PostgresBoostrap

I have introduced a new email notification workflow that alerts the team whenever files are uploaded within our apps. This functionality has enabled us to monitor all file uploads in real-time, preventing the loss of important files. In addition, the team now receives instant email notifications, allowing them to take prompt action if necessary.

Copyright © 2025 Ernerdo. Made with Next.js + Chakra UI + Notion.