


About me


I'm Ernesto Herrera

Full Stack Developer. I learn and teach everything about Web Technologies.


Latest Projects

Movies - TMDB

Movies - TMDB

Personal Project

The website provides users with a search bar that they can use to find movies by their titles, as well as a navigation menu that allows them to browse through different movie categories. The application also provides users with access to movie details, ratings, and reviews, allowing them to make informed decisions about the movies they want to watch.

Trello Clon

Trello Clon

Personal Project
AngularTailwind CSS

The Trello Clon project is built on Angular, a popular JavaScript framework used to build web and mobile applications. The project also utilizes Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-defined classes for building user interfaces.

Payment System

Payment System

Profesional Project

Payment system. Implemented a payment workflow that enables external payments without requiring a registered user, broadening accessibility for non-registered customers. Designed and implemented a configurable discount coupon system, allowing conditions based on amount and percentage for flexible and dynamic application.



Profesional Project
Vue 3LaravelInertia

NARTT (Nicarao Agency Resting Time Tool) is a vacation application that allows users to view, request and have full control over their days off. This tool helps keep teams organized by showing who is on vacation in real time and allows planning for future periods. I began by working closely with the team to identify the key goals and objectives for the project. I used this information to create a set of stories that would guide the team's work during the sprints.

Copyright © 2025 Ernerdo. Made with Next.js + Chakra UI + Notion.